About your Web Mistress.... and the shit she gets into
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Heh... So you really want to know about me??
Well there really isnt all that much to tell... I am rather boring actually, but hey you wanted to know so it is your funeral...

I am Currently 25 years old, And Have made my travels about the world.... I am currently living in Utah (RUN!!! THE MORMONS ARE COMMING!!!! AHHHH!!!) But My heart belongs in Denver, Colorado. I am moving to Vancouver, Washington here soon. Finally away from the mormon morons!

Alot has changed! I am now a mother... Trust me if you knew me personally then you would know that scarier than it sounds. If you wish to know anything else like oh I dont know my bra size just ask :D

The Strange things I get myself into, and the People who make it happen...
As alot of people will tell you I am bit of a weapons nut. Guns, Swords, Daggers, Knives..... you name it. and can I use them? You bet ya! My Husband and I have currently only 4 firearms right now; a Glock 17, a Walther P22, a Beretta CX4 "Storm", and a 22 rifle.

Swords.... Well alot of you guys remember my original sword "Blackblade" hence the last name on my nick. Well she got stolen a few years back, but I have an inferior replacement. Grrrr

Daggers.... Those who have been over to my place have seen the daggers on the walls... some of them cheap, others priceless.

Every year we get a new form of protection... Gotta love it!

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